Oxygen MagazineD's Editor-in-Chief Blog

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

clean eating on a roll

Veggies have always been an important part of my clean eating plan and as you know recently I've been looking for new ways to incorporate them into my day. Thanks to my boyfriend, I've recently become a huge fan of rapini. We were having lunch at his parents place on Sunday and I enjoyed two huge servings of it. He'll even drink the remaining juice from the pan to get a little extra nutrition kick. I tried, but it's a little too bitter for me to drink.
Yesterday I had a hankering for cauliflower (a great source of Vitamin C). So I chopped up the whole head, tossed into my steamer, and voila, 16 minutes later, a tasty little side dish. I find cauliflower so flavourful on it's own, I didn't add anything to it when I ate it with my dinner. But today I packed some in my lunch with a dash of chilli powder. I think it will go nicely with my halibut, salad and snow peas. My stomach is growling just thinking about it.

1 comment:

  1. that's how i feel about brussel sprouts lately!
