Oxygen MagazineD's Editor-in-Chief Blog

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My inner athlete comes out-well, sorta.

We recently acquired a basketball hoop at the back of our office building. Today, despite my nerves and hesitation I changed into my gym clothes and headed out. The sun was shining, the wind was minimal, and my fellow co-workers were far from judgemental. We didn't play an actual game, just took turns shooting hoops. I wanted to get my calorie burn going, so whenever I got the chance I grabbed the ball and ran around in circles dribbling. I knew I looked clumsy, and probably a little silly, but the fun I was having compensated for any insecurities!
I probably tried for a basket about 20 times, maybe sinking five. But it sure was a blast and I was a little out of breath by the end. One thing is for sure, baseball is definitely my game. But you can bet your top dollar I'll get out there shooting hoops again.

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