Oxygen MagazineD's Editor-in-Chief Blog

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sunny Days are Here Again!

I love summer. I love the sun, the heat, I don't even mind the humidity. I only turn the A/C on in the house in order to get a good nights sleep. Although these days if I'm going to be spending any significant time in the sun, I load up on SPF 55. Lessons learned from my youth!
Today was the first day in a while I've taken my workout outside. There isn't a cloud in the sky! I asked my good friend Alicia Rewega (Clean Eating mag's editor in chief) to join me in a jog, and she suggested ending off the run with some sprints and lunges. Needless to say my legs are shaking, but I feel great. There's just something about the hint of summertime, for me anyway, that lures me outdoors and instantly lifts my mood. Plus, in the news yesterday they've forecasted a dry, warm and sunny summer. I can't wait!
PS, Robert Kennedy Publishing baseball season starts next Tuesday. Wish me luck, I've got a bit of the "first-game jitters".

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