Oxygen MagazineD's Editor-in-Chief Blog

Thursday, January 13, 2011

More Changes

Along with my new gym tactics (training legs 2x a week) I've made a few tweaks to my diet and overall routine. Instead of hitting the snooze five times and finally dragging myself out of bed, I'm proud to say I now wake up at 6am, sit down and have a good breakfast, and then get on with my morning prep. In the past I would rush around and try and do everything in the shortest amount of time and get my butt out the door. This is in the winter at least. In the summer I have no problem bouncing out of bed in the morning.
So let me just say, waking up earlier and not rushing seems to have given me added energy and a better mood throughout the day.
With my diet, I've started to incorporate ground flax seeds. I sprinkle them over my oatmeal first thing in the morning and then my salad at dinnertime. By doing this I seem to stay fuller a little bit longer and don't feel the need for snacks in the evening.
I'd love to hear some ways that you've tweaked your diet. Send me an email: skennedy@oxygenmag.com


  1. I also have been getting up at 6 am to exercise and have more time to prepare before heading to work. It has helped to set a goal for each day: I will ignore my emotions and get up at 6 am because I said I would. This has helped me get out of bed when most mornings my initial thoughts are to sleep in. I don't allow myself to push snooze anymore.

    Thanks so much.

  2. Well I eat oatmeal now that I'm in show prep, where I've never eaten it before because I didn't care for it. But now I have grown to really like it. And btw, I get up at 4am... something I do for MY clients so they can get their days off to a healthy start :)
